Mexico, Opinions Worth Sharing

A Useful but Disposable Justice Minister

Photo:Erik McLean on Unsplash

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

The case of plagiarist Justice Minister Jazmín Esquivel Mossa refuses to disappear. It is growing and becoming more notorious every day. She is the elephant in the middle of the deliberation room of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN). She is the question mark on everyone’s mind: her participation could lead to the annulment of all decisions in which a Justice under Amparo protection participates, an illegal Justice who should not be illegal but is so because she refuses to resign.

Image: BsWei on iStock

Although the case is not resolved in any of its terms, it will be a present issue when the SCJN will have to make literally fundamental decisions on the future of the permanence, or not, of democracy in Mexico. It is extremely worrisome that the decisions are in the hands of a Minister whose vulnerability to pressure and coercion has never been so evident. Her independence is nil; the autonomy of her decisions is a bad joke.

Photo: Alycia Fung on Pexels

The importance of the SCJN’s independence cannot be overstated. It is crucial that this body be capable of ordering the conduct of the fools in the Legislative Branch, who pass laws that are clearly unconstitutional and, therefore, illegal. And it must be able to say “no!” to a President who runs over everything in his way to establish a regime controlled by him and his family. It is the sad replica of a Mexico supposedly gone. Today he threatens Mexico with a return to the regime of the caudillos of the 19th Century, guided by unipersonal rules and based on the irrepressible appetites of the satyrs of politics and the personal lives of the population. He threatens to go back to the system that justified the right of the master’s to fornicate their servants. That is what the barbarians of the South offer us.

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That Mexico of caciques, thugs, and cruel destroyers of entire villages served to satisfy the needs of accumulation of personal wealth. Not for the accumulation of capital because they do not aspire to the development of a nation. They aspire only to personal wealth, just as the conquerors of these lands did. The accumulation of capital came much later. He does not want to stop at anything. The most complete expression of this system that seeks to be born is Minister Esquivel, who refuses to give up her post despite having been photographed stealing the store window.

Photo: RichardCZellner on iStock

The Justice Minister feels no remorse or regret for having been caught in the most public theft in many years. She does not resign because her godfather, the President, has too many commitments made and consolidated with the “maker” of his agreements: the favorite builder of the six-year term, Riobóo. In the end, it turns out that he is also the Minister’s husband. The Republic kneels before the pedestal of this trio, united by a swarm of unmentionable agreements that cannot be undone.

Photo: Mick Haupt on Unsplash

Recently, as if not wanting to deny “something” in the context of the credibility crisis of his main Minister in the Court, the President confessed on national TV that three central advisors at the beginning of his administration suggested he to finish building the Texcoco airport. But, the President said the people “voted” not to build the airport, and he always obeys the people’s mandate. But that is a lie.

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In reality, the person who told the President not to continue with the construction of the Texcoco airport was Rioboo himself, who, in the end, ended up being the privileged builder of the Felipe Angeles airport project. It was a decision based on the business interests of the builder and the President of Mexico himself. What other explanation can there be, considering that the President himself publicly confessed that he did not take into account the opinion of his main advisors?

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The President will not allow the Justice Minister to resign, in spite of her public and professional discredit, until the SCJN rules on the case of the challenges to the President’s unconstitutional Plan B. The President requires the presence of the Justice to resign. He requires the presence of the Minister in the Court as a dike of contention so that the Presidential proposal is not invalidated.


After that, it is almost certain that the Minister will have to face her fate alone.

Photo: Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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