Frequently Asked Questions

What does SEPGRA stand for?

It is the acronym for Virtual Centre for Strategic Economic Policy and Geopolitics Research and Analysis. It is a virtual centre because it is a cloud-based entity. There is no physical address, and the staff and contributors work from different parts of the world, meeting virtually through regularly scheduled video conferences.   

Why in the English language?

    Our subscriber base is composed of professionals, educated, bi, or multilingual. The common denominator language for all, besides their own, is English. Some sections will be in other tongues, where the interest or the source is mostly local, as is the case with México.

How is it funded and operated?

CNI MEDIA committed an initial investment to cover the launch and operation for the first few months; later on, it is funded by advertising and subscriptions paid by firms, institutions, investors, and readers that profit from its valuable content.  

   Additionally, SEPGRA offers the services of its affiliated consulting arms for specialized research and analysis of specific sectors of the economy, regions, or technology trends, as well as prospects and forecasts of political outcomes in some countries or regions, alerting clients to emerging risks and opportunities.

What is its political orientation?

   There is no ideology in the contents; it is factual data. The analysis and prognosis are based on refined critical thinking, combining statistics with technical tools, and sieved by socio-political reasoning.

How is the information obtained or generated?

   There are multiple sources of information, from official statistics published by public and international institutions and by reputable companies -such as central banks, international organizations like the IMF, the BIS, and the OECD-, to reports from major financial businesses, reputed think tanks, educational institutions, specialized organizations, and the most widely read and respected media outlets like the NYT, WSJ, FT, Washington Post, The Times, The Guardian, Le Monde,  Bloomberg, Reuters, El País, and El Financiero, among others. (see section: “You may want to dig further” with recommended links to some of our sources)  

Is this a News Media outlet?

   Not at all. SEPGRA is a specialized service for people who need expert knowledge of relevant information, curated timely, suitable organized, fact-checked, and analyzed to nourish the strategic thinking of decision-makers and their advisors.

   People who search for the latest or breaking news are better served by news media organizations like those mentioned in the Recommended links to our sources section.

Why it focuses only on Canada, on the United States and on México?

There is an emphasis on the countries that compose North America: Canada, the United States, and México and their complex relationship. These countries share more than a region of the planet; many sectors of their economies have integrated, and their inter-trade makes them mutually its most important economic partners.

Together they account for one of the largest economic regions in the world, with a combined GDP representing 28% of the world’s economy, with only 6% of its population and 16 percent of the world’s land territory. Also, it is where our expertise is more robust and where our subscriber base mostly focuses its interests and priorities.