The Power Owes Nothing

Antonio Navalón No one gets more help and voluntary support from their supporters than national soccer coaches and presidential candidates, as long as things are going in the right direction. It must be understood that both are having a game in which our national team plays, and choosing who will be our next president is […]

Trump and AMLO launched the attack.

Riccardo Pascoe Pierce Donald Trump was categorical: he threatened to provoke a bloodbath in the United States if he loses the next presidential election. And he defined his object of hatred: immigrants who, he said, “are not even human”. AMLO, on the other hand, is illegally intervening in the electoral process and is preparing to […]

Extraordinary Times

Antonio Navalón One of the books that talks about that exciting part of the history of the United States that was the New Deal, promoted under the leadership of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is called “No Ordinary Time” written by Doris Kearns Goodwin, translated into Spanish as “Tiempos Extraordinarios” (Extraordinary Times). It is indisputable that we […]

The Liar

Juan Villoro In 2016, during the campaign for the US presidency, I recalled in this space a novel that anticipated Donald Trump’s triumph: It Can’t Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis, published in 1935, while Mussolini was invading Ethiopia and Hitler was suspending the civil rights of the Jews. Louisiana Governor Huey Long launched a crusade […]

Endless Power

Antonio Navalón The fifth horseman is a figure of recognized existence and presence in most of the catastrophes of humanity. The world is more aware of the four horsemen, although, on the occasions when the fifth horseman appears, the situation ends up being a complete disaster. Being days away from the beginning of the electoral […]

Waiting for Trump

Antonio Navalón As of this writing, it is a fact that Donald J. Trump will go down in history as the 45th president of the United States. But not only will he go down in history for that, he will also go down – among other things – for being the first former U.S. president […]