Mexico, Opinions Worth Sharing

AMLO defies the Constitution

Image: FuzzBones on Shutterstock

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

AMLO’s absence in Queretaro on February 5 is a deliberate presidential challenge to the constitutional order that governs the country. With this gesture, the President of the Republic declares war on the legal and political system that obliges the country, society, and the government in office to order and the semblance of civility. AMLO suggests, with his behavior, that he does not accept that legal order and refuses to be forced to abide by laws that, according to him, are contrary to his desires.

Image: Victor Solís on

For several years, he has ordered his legislators, servile and blind servants of the President in office but not of the nation, to pass unconstitutional laws. Subsequently, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) has legally corrected the legislators who passed those laws, knowing they were unconstitutional. The SCJN also updated the President politically for pushing for such illegal approvals, thus provoking the President’s incontinent anger against the Justices.

Photo: GALO CAÑAS/ cuartoscuro on

Now, amid his reelection campaign (that’s a figure of speech), the President threatens to promote more illegal and unconstitutional laws to take over the discussion of the electoral campaigns. From the Presidency, he wants to force the two presidential candidates to debate his issues, forgetting others, more important ones.

Image: Wildpixel on iStock

He has threatened to present three legislative initiatives that, to be approved, require constitutional changes. And AMLO knows he does not have two-thirds of the Congress to approve them. But he does not care whether or not his proposals are approved. He wants to place his agenda at the center of the presidential electoral debate.

Image: Stevee_maren2 on

With this intention, AMLO also wants to show who is really going to lead Mexico’s destiny in the next six-year term. Candidate Sheinbaum is and will be, his instrument of six-year control because she has no strength of her own and lacks project and charisma. With her, Mexico will have, as President, a sad puppet dependent on what AMLO says.

Photo: on digismak com

He will not go to Queretaro to challenge the Constitution with his three subversive proposals to the Magna Carta itself. He will propose to destroy the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation as an autonomous body independent from the Executive Branch. He wants to destroy the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF) in their essential character of being independent and autonomous. Finally, he wants to modify the Constitution to take over the funds of all the country’s retirees, given the bankruptcy faced by the public treasury.

Imagen: Archivo General de la Nación on

He wants to suppress the debate on drug trafficking, violence, and insecurity, uncomfortable issues for his government, replacing it with one on whether or not to elect the Justices of the Court. He wants to avoid discussing and exposing the corruption of his family and his government, proposing to eliminate the budgetary and political autonomy of the INE and the TEPJF. Finally, he does not want to talk about the growing poverty of Mexican families and their loss of rights to health, education, and protection of women and children, exchanging it for the discussion of the change in the country’s pension system.

Image: Nikko Macaspac on Unsplash

All the legislative maneuvering that AMLO will propose has the sole purpose of redirecting the electoral debate towards his agendas to avoid the issues that make him, his family, and the 4T uncomfortable.

Image: Cottonbro Studio on Pexels

Given this, the opposition must be forceful: do not fall into the trap that AMLO will set for them. The opposition’s priority is to keep on the path of exposing the great national problems and their proposals. And not to fall into the logic of “insidious topics” in which the worst President of modern Mexico wants to trick the country.

Image: ADragan on iStock

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