Mexico, Opinions Worth Sharing

AMLO’s Parallel State is a Coup d’État

Photo: Aquaryus15 on Unsplash

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

Morena has resolved not to obey the laws of constitutional rank and the electoral norms derived from the same Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. That political party, endorsed in its conduct by the President of the Republic, is creating a parallel State where neither laws nor norms exist but dictats at the convenience of the head of the Federal Executive.

Photo: Barna Bartis on Unsplash

The parallel State that obeys only the President and the members of Morena is, in essence, an act of betrayal to the Constitution they swore to obey. AMLO’s conduct contains all the elements that former President Pedro Castillo tried to instrumentalize in Peru when he declared the disappearance of the powers of the State of his country and announced that he would govern by decrees. Castillo was impeached and imprisoned for undermining his country’s rule of law and constitutional order. He will be tried in a court of his country for the crime of high treason.

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AMLO chose to do the same as Castillo. That explains why he defends the former Peruvian President so vigorously. When Congress rejected his constitutional reform initiatives, he chose the path of de facto, but not de jure, deeds. That is to say, what he does and orders his party to do are acts against the law. Still, they are carried out with the force and power of a State that has, at its disposal, the last resource available if the other Powers oppose its acts: the use of the brute force of the Army to violate the law at will.

Image: Lightspring on Shutterstock

The use of brute force was seen last week when a judge from Veracruz was arrested and forcibly taken back to her State, kidnapped in the middle of the street in Mexico City. It was an act that violated her human rights, but Mexico City authorities did not prevent this act of brute force.

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This kidnapping was an act of the parallel State that is being promoted in Mexico. This example may begin to become a daily practice in a country where the President of the Republic agrees to govern based on his personal decisions (his dictats) without taking into account the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States or the laws that emanate from it, unless they are to his convenience.

Photo: Archivo General de la Nación on

AMLO wants to win the presidential 2024 elections by applying his own electoral laws and practices, invented by him and ignoring the laws agreed upon and agreed by all the political forces in the Congress of the Union, with full legal validity and legitimacy. This is his parallel State.

Photo: Luca Nicoletti on Unsplash

The parallel State in formation threatens to destroy the country’s social fabric and breaks with the Social Pact represented precisely by that Constitution. By wanting to impose another Social Pact (his own, personal, fermented in a feverish mind), AMLO destroys the conditions that guarantee social peace in Mexico. He is getting dangerously close to being himself, the promoter and director of the destruction of Mexico’s constitutional order. That constitutional order allowed Mexico to move from the revolution to a democratic and liberal State within a representative democracy with free and legitimate elections.

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All this is about to disappear with the creation of the Amloist parallel State. That situation offers neither a new agreed Social Pact, much less social peace. On the contrary, it offers the imposition of an obligatory Social Pact, without consensus, in addition to the continued and deepened discontent and social conflict. It takes Mexico back to the regime of violent caudillos of the 19th Century, where the law of the bullet prevailed, not the law of the Constitution.

Image: Wildpixel on iStock

The parallel State is illegal and unconstitutional (as it is in Peru). For the good of Mexico, the President must discard any intention of a coup and return to the path of the constitutional rule of law that he swore to uphold….

Photo: AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo on

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