years ago, this video was posted, yet it continues to explain a lot of what is happening today.More Videos:
¿Porqué Siria? La crisis de Siria explicada en 10 Minutos y con 15 Mapas siete años fue publicado este video, sin embargo el valor de su explicación sigue siendo relevante.Mas contenidos en Español:
Alex MurrellIntroduction:In the early 1990s, two Russian artists named Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid took the unusual step of hiring a market research firm. Their brief was simple. Understand what Americans desire most in a work of art.Over 11...
Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase & Company, addressed his letter to shareholders along with the Annual Report 2022, alerting that America remains divided within its borders, and its global leadership role is being challenged outside of...
Luis Maizel’s Monthly Letter. The Banking Crisis, a U.S. Problem, or a Preview for the Rest of the World?
Photo: Billion Photos on ShutterstockMarch was one of the most chaotic months we have experienced in the last decade.The problem of the banks in the United States, the continuous and now violent protests in France against the change in...
Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images on npr.orgRicardo PascoeSeveral Mexican analysts warn the same: "my recommendation to the Democrats in the United States is that they do not pursue Trump judicially because it will strengthen him. Remember Fox's mistake with AMLO:...
Photo: Aaron Burden on UnsplashAntonio NavalónI promise not to watch AMLO's morning press conference shows anymore. I promise that from now on, my brain will be dedicated to thinking of something Mr. President has not suggested. I promise I...