Photo: WindNight on ShutterstockRicardo Pascoe PierceTomorrow, 14 December, the Senate of the Republic's commissions will begin deliberations on the already questioned "Plan B" for reforming the structure, responsibilities, and powers of the National Electoral Institute (INE). It is not...
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Image: on Google EarthAntonio NavalónThere is a tendency to value failure that I have often wondered whether it is not the reaction to the sublimation of the triumph and victory that the American world has put in front of...
Image: Bakhtiar_zein on iStockRicardo Pascoe PierceWhen intelligence and dialogue are lacking, verbal political polarization often turns into physical violence. This is seen time and again in societies around the world. And their dynamics are very similar, albeit in very...
Image: Melitas on iStockLuis RubioThe central characteristic of our time would seem to be the tensions that generate real or perceived inequalities in the distribution of the benefits of economic growth. Countless nations around the world have elected leaders...
Wealth Outlook 2023, Roadmap to Recovery: Portfolios to Anticipate Opportunities.
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