
Photo: Salman Hossain Saif on UnsplashAntonio NavalónJanuary 6, the day that for our culture and civilization represents the day of the Magi (Three Wise Kings), brought an inappropriate, unwanted, and terrible gift just one year ago. For a long...


Image: commons wikimedia.orgRicardo Pascoe PierceWhen President López Obrador leaves the Presidency of the Republic, his party-movement called Morena will tend to disappear. That instrument was not created to survive in time but was entrusted with a single objective and...


Photo: special on Pascoe PierceHaving turned drug lords into important political players will be, without a doubt, the most cursed inheritance that López Obrador will leave Mexico at the end of his term as President of the Republic.The...


Photo: Sora Shimazaki on PexelsLuis RubioIdeological coherence or political pragmatism: the eternal dilemma of alliances. These last as long as their members continue to find greater benefits in participating and remaining in them than in denouncing them and breaking...


Photo: Genaro Servín on PexelsAntonio NavalónWhen Winston Churchill decided to write his memoirs - he must have been about three years old, given the sense of significance he had since he was a child and the conviction that he...