
Image: 愚木混株 cdd20 on UnsplashRicardo Pascoe PierceClaudia Sheinbaum won the election and will be the Constitutional President of the Republic. Unfortunately, many of us think that she won unfairly and by circumventing the law. However, this does not take...


Screenshot: Image on amazon.comJuan VilloroAfter six years in power, López Obrador can be seen as a magnificent proselytizer and a failed statesman. He founded a party that, in a few years, won the majority of the country, won the...


Image: Hannes Richter on UnsplashLuis RubioYears ago, during my student days, I attended a performance of an experimental theatrical work that, I think, was called Chaos in the Scenario. It was a parody of an orchestra conductor who could not decide...


Photo: Gregorio Borgia/Associated Press on deseret.comJuan VilloroUmberto Eco said Pope John Paul II represented "the Middle Ages plus television". In 2024, the helmsman of St. Peter's boat has modernized enough to represent the Middle Ages plus the Internet.Image: on...


Image: Federico Lancellotti on UnsplashFederico Reyes HerolesThe deception is collective. Freedom of expression, secrecy, parties, independence of the organizers, institutional relay, respect for differences, and rules by the authorities—all of this under the watchful eye of an honest citizenry—should...


Photo: Benjamin Davies on UnsplashAntonio NavalónThis situation is not similar to when people sing rancheras and ask for or give "the last one and let's go". That, as Gardel's tango says, "life is a breath of air. That twenty...