
Image and Data: on Visualcapitalist.comThe top 10 EV battery manufacturers by total battery deployment (measured in megawatt-hours) in 2023. The data is from EV Volumes.Chinese DominanceContemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) has swiftly risen in less than a decade...


Photo: Artem Lupanchuk on PexelsFederico Reyes HerolesAll human inventions are fallible. Even those that receive the most attention. Francis Bacon asserted that knowledge arises more readily from error than from confusion. The Hindenburg collapsed. The Titanic sank. For example,...


Image: Dizain on ShutterstockAntonio NavalónI remember very clearly that during the Spanish democratic transition and, subsequently, after holding three general elections, we Spaniards discovered that the triumph of democracy was really based on something more than a simple change...