
Ricardo Pascoe PierceArgentina repudiated Peronism, Kirchnerism, leftism, and the populist rhetoric accompanying those governments for over two decades. During that time, it has received political support from Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro, Lula Da Silva, and Andrés Manuel López Obrador.Photo:...


Image: Unsplash+ in collaboration with Aakash DhageLuis RubioWhen one reads Kafka's novels -The Trial, The Castle, The Metamorphosis - there is no way to avoid the sensation of confusion and fascination as one goes through those labyrinths of fear, uncertainty, anxiety, irony, and...


Image: Lightspring on ShutterstockLuis RubioThe 2024 presidential election promises to be like no other since Mexico began its long, painful, and unfinished transition to democracy. Three factors make this a unique moment: an economy ever more distant from the...


Image: on visualcapitalist.comImage: on visualcapitalist.comU.S. InflationGraphs: on bls.govImage: on nytimes.comTo read the whole document, the controls for turning pages and zooming in or out are at the bottom left corner above.Image: on ourworldindata.orgFurther Reading: