Image: on elperiodicodesaltillo.comWhen you read this letter, we will be exactly one month away from the presidential elections. After the second debate, in which Xóchitl looked much better than in the first one, I feel that the scales have...
Informe de la Comisión Independiente de la Investigación sobre la Pandemia de Covid-19 en México.
Jaime Sepúlveda (Coordinador)Para leer todo el documento, los controles para pasar páginas y acercar o alejar la imagen se encuentran en la esquina inferior izquierda. O bien léalo directamente en su sitio haciendo click en el siguiente vínculo:https://www.comisioncovid.mxLecturas y...
Photo: Atstock Productions on iStockFederico Reyes Heroles…Mask the face and mask the smile.Octavio PazHe told me in a tone that he couldn't take "no" for an answer. He knows it. Just a pancake was the final blow. Here we...
Photo: Alex Padurariu on UnsplashAntonio NavalónPoliticians can be considered extraterritorial beings and immune to the impact that time has on others. They are not affected by the laws of gravity or those of nature. A politician in full bloom...
Photo: Ivy Barn on UnsplashRicardo Pascoe PierceOne notable feature of the current election campaign has been the use of polls for propaganda purposes. Because of this, polls inevitably vary in their results Crazily.Revolution or protests. Hands holding smartphonesCrazily would...
Photo: Sudip Shrestha on UnsplashRicardo Pascoe PierceOn September 30, 1938, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Neville Chamberlain, descended from his plane, arriving from Munich, Germany, and declared, "Here is peace for our time". He showed a document bearing...