Image: on literalmagazine.comAngel Jaramillo Torres*The New Holy Alliance and the danger of a world conflagrationFor some historians, the real First World War occurred in 1756-1763.[1] Its theaters were multiple. The war in the United States pitted France and Britain...
Image: on is much talk about populism, democracy, conservatives, neoliberals, progressives, independents, no labels, republicans, autocrats, libertarians, authoritarians, totalitarians, infallible Iman, anarchists, supreme leaders, tyranny, and many other schisms. Monarchical regimes are fading away and constrained in their...
Photo: Anya Juárez Tenorio on PexelsFederico Reyes HerolesIn Mexico, the axis was fear and rage.They walk on the cobblestones of the most party town I have ever known. It looks like a slow procession. I edge "to the edge"....
Photo: Getty Images in collaboration with Unsplash+Ricardo Pascoe PierceThe situation of insecurity and generalized violence is, without a doubt, the problem that shakes the country the most. All surveys agree on this fact: of the issues that most concern...
Image: William Potter on iStockAntonio NavalónOne of the books that talks about that exciting part of the history of the United States that was the New Deal, promoted under the leadership of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is called "No Ordinary... emplazamiento a los jóvenes mexicanos a defender la democracia.Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo y Peralta-Ramos (Madrid,2 15 de octubre de 1974),3 XV marquesa de Casa Fuerte,4 es una aristócrata, periodista, historiadora y política española. También posee nacionalidad argentina y francesa. Militante del Partido Popular, diputada en el Congreso por Madrid en las ix y x legislaturas de las Cortes Generales, por Barcelona en la xiv legislatura y...