
Foto: JGroup en iStock   En el México de la 4T, por más de cinco años ha imperado la discordia, el desorden y el retraso. Lo que el país necesita es exactamente lo contrario: sin concordia, el orden se dificulta; sin...


Photo: Elijah O'Donnell on PexelsRicardo Pascoe PierceThe non-attendance of the Morena, PT, and Verde candidate to the CitiBanamex forum was not an accident or the result of a scheduling problem. The candidate and her team consciously decided not to...


Photo: Den Gans on ShutterstockLuis RubioIn his novel on Argentina entitled Zama, Antonio Di Benedetto speaks of the "victims of expectation," which Michael Reid, the Latin-American expert, interprets as the victims of waiting, a metaphor for the permanent expectancy of...


Image: JGroup on iStock.  For over five years, discord, disorder, and backwardness have prevailed in Mexico of the 4 T. The country needs precisely the opposite: without harmony, order becomes difficult; without order, progress is impossible; without progress, the country...


Image: Jacques Durocher on iStockFederico Reyes HerolesWith a tight hug to Carlos Loret.I was very saddened by the article. El Universal published the results of an investigation by the Pew Research Center. This is one of the most reputable...


Image: Lemon_tm on iStockJuan VilloroIn 2016, during the campaign for the US presidency, I recalled in this space a novel that anticipated Donald Trump's triumph: It Can't Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis, published in 1935, while Mussolini was invading...