Image: on visualcapitalist.comImage: on visualcapitalist.comU.S. InflationGraphs: on bls.govImage: on nytimes.comTo read the whole document, the controls for turning pages and zooming in or out are at the bottom left corner above.Image: on ourworldindata.orgFurther Reading:
Imagen: en mexicorlige.comPara leer todo el documento, los controles para pasar páginas y acercar o alejar la imagen se encuentran en la esquina inferior izquierda.Lecturas y videos complementarios:
The World Trade Organization downgraded its projection for trade growth this year to just 0.8 percent from 1.7 percent in April- due to inflation, high interest rates, China’s underwhelming recovery, a high U.S. dollar, and geopolitical tensions. The WTO’s...
Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain this lecture, Steven Pinker, renowned linguist and Harvard Psychology Professor, discusses linguistics as a window to understanding the human brain.How is it that human beings have come to acquire language? Steven Pinker's introduction to the field includes thoughts...
Eric Ralls, Staff writerIn 1610, Galileo Galilei, renowned as the pioneer of modern astronomy, first laid eyes on Saturn's magnificent rings. His initial observations through an early, rudimentary telescope led him to describe these celestial features as resembling...
Image: TexBr on iStockAntonio NavalónThere is global unanimity that the 21st century, which has brought and contributed so much to the history of the modern world, has also witnessed an enormous depreciation in the quality of the political ruling...
Image: Pannawit Khongjaroenmaitree on iStockRicardo Pascoe PierceEvery budget reveals priorities and concerns; it conceals errors and keeps the skeletons hidden in the closet. Such is the budget for the year 2024 that the Chamber of Deputies has just approved.Graph:...