
Ricardo Pascoe PierceImage: on thekingisnaked.blogA fantastic bubble has enveloped President López Obrador in a time capsule where he does not quite know which century he lives in. Throughout his troubled presidency, he has shown signs that he lives...


Image: STILLFX on iStockLuis RubioAt the beginning of the year 2000, Mexico was facing a crossroads. The electoral contest was taking shape, the electoral institutions had been duly installed, and the expectation, overly justified, was that the electoral jousts...

why-siria-the-sirian-crisis-in-10-minutes-and-15-maps years ago, this video was posted, yet it continues to explain a lot of what is happening today.More Videos:

porque-siria-la-crisis-de-siria-explicada-en-10-minutos-y-con-15-mapas siete años fue publicado este video, sin embargo el valor de su explicación sigue siendo relevante.Mas contenidos en Español:


Alex MurrellIntroduction:In the early 1990s, two Russian artists named Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid took the unusual step of hiring a market research firm. Their brief was simple. Understand what Americans desire most in a work of art.Over 11...