Graph and data: on visualcapitalist.comThere are many ways to measure different economies against one another, but comparing countries by GDP per capita remains one of the most tried-and-true methods.GDP per capita attempts to level the playing field by dividing...
Photo: Miguel Bruna on UnsplashAntonio NavalónA few years after the end of the Cristero War in Mexico, an English writer named Graham Greene documented how we Mexicans did justice among ourselves. His book "The Power and the Glory" alludes...
Photo: on presidente.gob.mxRiccardo Pascoe PierceAMLO invited the countries closest to his heart to the September 16, 2023, military parade. All are ruled by dictatorships: Russia, China, Cuba and Nicaragua. Instead of being a parade commemorating a heroic deed in...
Image: Fergregory on iStockRicardo Pascoe PierceThe celebration of Mexico's Independence Day in 2023 was the staging of the deep sectarianism that defines the government of President López Obrador. By prioritizing the exclusion of the representatives of the other branches...
Photo: Dom Fou on UnsplashLuis RubioIn memory of Luis Alberto VargasGovernments come, and governments go, but one thing always stays: corruption. The actors change, but the phenomenon is perennial. And Mexico is not the exception to this: in his...
Image: on visualcapitalist.comWhat Powered the World in 2022?This was originally posted on Elements.In 2022, 29,165.2 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity was generated around the world, an increase of 2.3% from the previous year.In this visualization, we look at data from...