Image: Shared on Whatsapp I usually start with the political situation in the United States, but today I will start with Mexico.As the 2024 elections approach and in the face of the gloom felt by a part of the...
McKinsey Global InstituteThe past two decades have generated $160 trillion in paper wealth but sluggish growth and rising inequality. What comes next?Asset price inflation over the past two decades has created about $160 trillion in “paper wealth.” Economic growth was...
Image: on static.wikia.nocookie.netAntonio NavalónThe capacity for astonishment is one of the most obvious proofs that one is still alive and still sensitive enough to reflect on the facts and circumstances that created our lives. In movie theaters, you can...
Photo: Azzedine Rouichi on UnsplashRicardo Pascoe PiercePresident López Obrador is desperate to find pretexts to justify his failure. He accuses that others, and not him, are the ones really responsible for the narco-trafficking violence. His evasion of responsibility is...
Photo: on Pascoe PierceI remember hearing Alejandro Aura say, "López Obrador governed without a drop of joy". He was referring, of course, to López Obrador when he was head of government of Mexico City. Alejandro saw an aggressive,...
Image: MorganThe structural forces reshaping the pesoWhile the Mexican peso has been considered a high-beta risk proxy currencyfor much of the past two decades, we think it is time for investors to shed thisoutdated perception.We believe the peso...