incertidumbre-2024-macario-schettino Profit 2023En esta conferencia se explora a fondo la creación de riqueza a nivel global para comprender la importancia de establecer contrapesos al poder y liberar las fuerzas productivas de la sociedad. Se Analiza la situación actual...


Hannah Ritchie, Pablo Arriagada and Max Roser (2022) - "Opioids, cocaine, cannabis and illicit drugs". Published online at Retrieved from: '' [Online Resource]Graphs and Data: on


Map: on sciencedirect.comJuan VilloroThe Earth is burning. After the coronavirus pandemic, global warming is advancing as an irreversible threat. The dramatic thing is not that the summer of 2023 will be particularly torrid but that it will be the...


Image: on as-coa.orgThe fifth edition of the Americas Society/Council Of the Americas and Control Risks’ CCC Index explores 15 Latin American countries’ ability to detect, punish, and prevent corruption.The 2023 edition of the Capacity to Combat Corruption (CCC) Index...


Photo: Nick Fewings on UnsplashRicardo Pascoe PiercePresident López Obrador calls for a large demonstration in the capital's Zócalo next Saturday, July 1, to be celebrated, recognized, cheered, and loved. Remember the poster that appears in the Italian Western "Los...