Biden’s campaign strategy is shrewd: he is not wasting time and money trying to sell himself as the best option. He is just letting Trump do his campaign for him, and Trump is doing a great job. Biden is not trying to win; he is just making sure that Trump loses.

Biden’s strategy rests on reinforcing the idea that Trump is a disaster for the nation, and should not get re-elected, and Trump does his part very well. His addictions to speak publicly and to twit his every thought calls for stillness so as not to distract him.
Trump’s successful campaign four years ago using twitter to spotlight the vices of the political system, is now acting against him. Since he lies about everything, it proves that the quote attributed to Lincoln is true: “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” But four years later, the shoe is on the other foot; Trump is the least popular incumbent of the modern era, with historically low approval numbers and crises that he has predictably failed to contain. It proves the quote attributed to Lincoln to be true. Each twit digs a deeper hole where he falls, and it will be impossible to get him out on time.

As a consequence, the best that Kamala Harris can add to the ticket, at least for now, is a peaceful silence.
SEPGRA, Political Analysis Group