
September 11th: 50 Years Lost in America

Photo: Kindle Media on PexelsAntonio NavalónOn a day like today, 50 years ago, the great Chilean dream came to an end. On the morning of September 11, 1973, President...


The State of the War in Ukraine

Photo: on geopoliticalfutures,comGeorge FriedmanTo read the whole document, the controls for turning pages and zooming in or out are at the bottom left corner


The War in Ukraine is the War for the Dollar.*

Image: Waldemarus on iStockOleg Nesterenko, President of the Centre de Commerce & d'Industrie Européen*Originally published: Donbass Insider  on July 5, 2023, L’Eclaireur des Alpes on Jul 13, 2023, and by the Monthly Review Online...


Investment in Clean Energy is Booming

Geopolitical FuturesImage: on geopoliticalfutures.comThe International Energy Agency expects $2.8 trillion of investment in energy this year, with roughly 60 percent of that going toward clean energy. In the past...


Putin’s Friends

Image: on upnorth.euRicardo Pascoe PierceVladimir Putin faces the Frankenstein he has created. The dictator has been confronted by the military method of governance he has deified. Brute force as...


JFK Speech on Peace and Nuclear War. an American president capable of making such a speech in 2022, a speech designed to reduce tensions over Ukraine and to bring peace there rather than the humiliation...