
Mundell’s Impossible Trinity

Image: Zhev on iStockJosé Manuel Suárez Mier*Some of my readers complained that I did not include Mundell's essential contributions to international economics theory and practice in my previous article,...


RIP the Great Economist Robert Mundell

Photo: London Speaker BureauJosé Manuel Suárez Mier*One of the most influential thinkers has just died. He made notable theoretical contributions while influencing the economic policy applied like few others:...


Top 25 Automakers by Market Cap

Image: GoogleLargest automakers by market capitalizationcompanies: 38     total market cap: $2.233 TRankNameMarket CapPriceTodayPrice (30 days)Country1TeslaTSLA$834.17 B$880.027.84%🇺🇸 USA2ToyotaTM$213.83 B$152.850.12%🇯🇵 Japan3VolkswagenVOW3.DE$94.53 B$173.43-1.17%🇩🇪 Germany4NIONIO$91.85 B$58.928.55%🇨🇳 China5BYD002594.SZ$88.82 B$34.021.10%🇨🇳 China6DaimlerDAI.DE$75.63 B$70.70-0.17%🇩🇪 Germany7General MotorsGM$61.63 B$43.06-0.60%🇺🇸 USA8BMWBMW.DE$55.79 B$86.39-0.75%🇩🇪 Germany9HyundaiHYMTF$55.13 B$54.3528.48%🇰🇷 S. Korea10FerrariRACE$53.98 B$217.97-1.86%🇮🇹 Italy11VolvoVOLVF$51.81 B$25.85-1.00%🇸🇪 Sweden12Great Wall Motors601633.SS$49.79...


Global Economics Intelligence

Photo: Bill Oxford on UnsplashMcKinsey and Company


The Next Global Superpowers Next Global Superpowers Are Racing For Future World Domination. When you think about the world's superpowers, you probably think of countries like the United States and China. And...