
Now autocrats!

Image: Jacques Durocher on iStockFederico Reyes HerolesWith a tight hug to Carlos Loret.I was very saddened by the article. El Universal published the results of an investigation by the...


Pink Tide and Morena in the ring of the Zócalo

Photo: Julia Larson on PexelsRicardo Pascoe PierceThe Pink Tide and the Morena party faced each other in a competition to establish the importance of their respective conceptions of the...


What was NOT said at the Zócalo

Image: Phonlamai Photo on ShutterstockRicardo Pascoe PierceClaudia Sheinbaum's presidential campaign kick-off event in the Zócalo was, in reality, a bow to Andrés Manuel López Obrador. And it was also...


The Big Race

Luis RubioElectoral contests are a little like military campaigns: an objective is disputed, arms and instruments of combat are deployed, and the enemy's defeat is sought, in this case,...


Who are you?

Image: Master1305 on ShutterstockFederico Reyes HerolesTell me what you pay attention to, and I'll tell you who you are.José Ortega y Gasset.Distraction? There is a lot of it; I...



Image: Ch_pski on UnsplashLuis RubioIt is not difficult to elucidate the problems confronting Mexico; the hard part is identifying suitable solutions and creating consensus for their implementation. The problems...



Image: Jaral Lertjamekorn on ShutterstockFederico Reyes HerolesCold night, we walk through the main square of our country, among the buildings that have been silent witnesses of a thousand battles....


Time to march to the rescue

Image: Rawpixel on iStockRicardo Pascoe PierceIs taking to the streets to express oneself the same as rescuing the nation? Some will say that it is necessary to fill the...