
Democracy in the United States is in Danger.

Photo: Chris Grafton on UnsplashJosé Manuel Suárez Mier*The Republican Party of the United States, kidnapped by its most ignorant and radical segment of white supremacists, is a huge political...


Pettiness or Greatness

Image: Gearstd on iStockLuis RubioThe dearth of statesmen in the world, argued Napoleon, is due to the complexity inherent in the function: “to get the power you need to...


Reaction to the Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Photo: Pixabay on PexelsJosé Manuel Suárez Mier*In past installments, I presented the evolution of racism in the United States and how a line of thought emerged, the CRT, which...


The Republic of Words

Image: Diccionario Náhuatl on Kanakue.comAntonio NavalónSince the time of Ronald Reagan, Ambassador John Gavin made the everlasting theme of drug trafficking fashionable, of the corruption that surrounded it, of...


Mexico’s demolition derby: new areas to obliterate

Photo: Issy Bailey on UnsplashManuel Suárez-MierAfter President AMLO's party does relatively well in midterm elections, the country's woes continue.The midterm elections of June 6 in Mexico were in appearance...


To Govern

Photo: Benjamín Flores on RubioThe art of governing, says David Konzevik, is the art of managing the gap between the expectations that the citizenry entertains and the day-to-day...


The Critical Race Theory

Image: Amazon.comJosé Manuel Suárez Mier*I began last week the account of racism in the United States and how an opposite current of thought and indoctrination emerged that seeks to...


Racism in the United States

Image: Wildpixel on iStockJosé Manuel Suárez Mier*Unlike Ibero-America, where the fusion of races and Christianization took place only when the first explorers arrived, the United States has had a...