Falling apart
Photo: Isaac Weatherly on PexelsAntonio NavalónSocieties are falling apart, and with them, collective life projects and hope for the future disappear, which in the end are the only ones...
Photo: Isaac Weatherly on PexelsAntonio NavalónSocieties are falling apart, and with them, collective life projects and hope for the future disappear, which in the end are the only ones...
https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/210503/g-a001-eng.htmIn Canada, real gross domestic product (GDP) was down 5.3%.In Newfoundland and Labrador, real GDP was down 5.3%.In Prince Edward Island, real GDP was down 3.0%.In Nova Scotia, real GDP was down 3.2%.In New Brunswick, real GDP was down 3.7%.In Quebec, real GDP was...
Photo: Paolo Nicolello on UnsplashJosé Manuel Suárez Mier*President Joe Biden plans to spend, in addition to budgeted spending of $ 5 trillion, $ 6 trillion: $ 1.9 trillion in...
Photo: Brücke-Osteuropa on WikipediaLuis RubioIn an old medieval tale,* famous in the world of lawyers, a king decides to expropriate a miller's estate because it impairs the view from...
Photo: David Domínguez on PexelsLuis RubioAs the midterm elections draw closer, Mexico’s broken politics are beginning to take their toll. The independent electoral authority (INE), one of the country’s greatest institutional achievements...
Image: Rawpixel on iStockLuis RubioThe Supreme Court is the only one of the three branches of government that was consciously reformed in Mexico recently (1994) to tie in with...
Image: Kagenmi on iStockLuis Rubio “All politics are local,” Tip O’Neil famously quipped. In Mexico, all politics today are about elections and especially about the midterms of June 6. From his...
Photo: Andre Moura on PexelsManuel Suárez Mier*The interest rate on the 10-year US Treasury bond almost tripled from a year earlier and is twice the level it was just...