

Photo: Alycia Fung on PexelsLuis Rubio“The compulsion to silence others is as old as the urge to speak,” affirms Eric Berkowitz* in an extraordinary study on censorship. For nearly...


Political parties in the United States.

Photo: Cottonbro on UnsplashJosé Manuel Suárez Mier *My readers asked me to elaborate on the evolution of the political parties in the United States and from that historical vision...


In Heaven as on Earth.

Photo: Actionvance on UnsplashAntonio NavalónSince always, men have been attracted to and caused to follow the path of the gods.Some have even had a special hobby and desire to...



Image: zimmytws om iStockLuis RubioAn ancient Chinese proverb argues that “when there is turmoil under the heavens, little problems become big problems, and big problems are not dealt with...


Democracy in the United States is in Danger.

Photo: Chris Grafton on UnsplashJosé Manuel Suárez Mier*The Republican Party of the United States, kidnapped by its most ignorant and radical segment of white supremacists, is a huge political...


The Outbreak of America

Photo: Zoe on UnsplashAntonio NavalónFrom 1850 to 1990, the history of Latin America was conditioned entirely by what was convenient, allowed, understood, and wanted by the United States of...


Pettiness or Greatness

Image: Gearstd on iStockLuis RubioThe dearth of statesmen in the world, argued Napoleon, is due to the complexity inherent in the function: “to get the power you need to...


Reaction to the Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Photo: Pixabay on PexelsJosé Manuel Suárez Mier*In past installments, I presented the evolution of racism in the United States and how a line of thought emerged, the CRT, which...