

Photo: on Pascoe PierceAll military doctrines, whatever the country, agree on a central thesis. They go something like this: In the face of aggression, its duty is to...


The President and the Ambassador

Photo: on presidente.gob.mxRicardo Pascoe PierceNational scenarios are highly unstable because political narratives change rapidly. One example is Ambassador Salazar's change of narrative with President Lopez Obrador. He abruptly changed...



Image: Cyano66 on iStockLuis RubioThe roof was falling in, the leaks had disappeared and were replaced by holes more than 30 centimeters in diameter where the rain, snow, and...


Letter to Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Photo: Pixabay on PexelsDante Delgado* Andrés Manuel, the betrayal to the homeland that you are committing will not prosper, but we will never forget it.Seventh public letter to the...


Confusing Opinion Polls in Confusing Times.

Image: ShutterstockRicardo Pascoe PierceIn times of a deeply divided society and also trapped in its ancestral beliefs between worship/fear of authority, surveys, and their usefulness are a difficult phenomenon...


On Salman Rushdie’s Side, Once Again.

Photo: on Wikimedia.orgAngel JaramilloAfter the vicious attack he suffered, the Western world has again come to the defense of a writer who embodies the supreme value of freedom.On February...


In the State of Mexico, the Trenches are Being Dug

Photo: ShutterstockRicardo Pascoe PierceIt is impossible to minimize what the electoral contest for the governorship of the State of Mexico means for the national political parties and the presidential...