Mexico, Opinions Worth Sharing

Complicit neutrality How do you feel, Pepe Mújica?

Image: Leo Barizzoni on

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

Ukraine, promptly and without hesitation, responded to AMLO: your plan for a truce in the Russian-Ukrainian war is a ploy to support Russia. You are a phony President who is only looking for public relations spotlights.

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Ukraine, in a tweet, unmasks López Obrador for what he is: a politician who is not at all neutral, unwilling to express his true opinions, and, therefore, disguises them as supposed neutrality. Hypocrisy is all around him.

AMLO has established simulation as a method of government for his own political advantage. He does this by pretending to hide his true sympathy for Putin and Russia and against Ukraine and the West. His ambiguity has served him as a parapet to make a “peace proposal” which, in the opinion of the Ukrainians, will only serve to justify the Russian invasion of their country and its permanence in the occupied areas.

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It is an irony, although nothing should be surprising anymore, that AMLO has chosen the date of the celebration of our national independence to support the illegal invasion of one country into another. His supposed neutrality is undoubtedly an act of complicity in Russia’s murderous attack on an independent nation.

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The terse Ukrainian tweet unveiled another facet of AMLO: he does it as a public relations act. It reveals him seeking the spotlight so that López Obrador can be said to be a peacemaker when, at the same time, he illegally integrates the National Guard into the Mexican Army, in defiance of the letter of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. The militarization of Mexico will ultimately be the recognized hallmark of López Obrador’s government. And history will not absolve him.

Photo: SPmemory on iStock

But the Ukrainian affair, if it can be so defined, has illuminated the method of general political operation of AMLO’s government. The actions of his government, wrapped in a cellophane of purity, are poisoned or rotten apples. An important case illustrates this statement.

Photo: Celiaaa on iStock

It is the same method AMLO employs with drug trafficking and the Armed Forces. He calls for peace and harmony with the phrase “hugs, not bullets”, but in reality, he has built a relationship of complicity of interests and common objectives concealed by supposed neutrality and distance. He calls for civility, but for the sake of his political interests, he has turned organized crime into an electoral arm of his movement in exchange for allowing the drug trafficking business to flourish.

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On the one hand, he calls for peace, but on the other, he supports and encourages the permanence of drug trafficking on the national and international scene. He also promotes militarization as a “friendly regulator” of drug trafficking, managing the relationship and agreement between cartels and maintaining a ” narco pax ” in the national territory.

Photo: special on

The international guests at the September 16 parade are mere props in a theater set up by the President to announce a policy while doing exactly the opposite. It is the method of supposed neutrality that is, in reality, complicit with unconfessed interests.


Through these new institutional relationships, AMLO promotes a new political regime based on these two prominent armed actors. It is a de facto political regime created outside the Constitution and ignoring the rule of law.

Image: on Shutterstock

How do you feel, Pepe Mújica, endorsing this government with your presence as guest of honor?


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