Forget about Writing Essays, Let AI (Artificial Intelligence) do the Job.

A. I. Paul Nephew
This entire article was written by OpenAI’s GPT-3 Davinci Model
The only text I provided to the machine was: “Write an essay about texts written by AI.”
AI has the potential to generate text that is indistinguishable from that of a human. This is an issue for many people because the idea of AI writing an essay on a topic is absurd.

AI writing is more than the act of online paraphrasing; it is the act of combining words together to form an entirely new document. Some people even think that artificial intelligence is capable of writing an entire book. AI writing may not be perfect, but it certainly has the potential to make documents seem like they were written by a human. Each article written by AI is unique in some way; there are many different variations of one piece. The variation is based upon what the AI learns from the words that exist and through writing, respectively. This is made possible by the fact that AI is a “machine”. Nothing is perfect within the AI, but that somehow adds to the beauty of it all. Artificial Intelligence produces different text outputs after it has learned from different sets of data. The most common use of this for instance would be in software such as SpinnerChief

where spins produced by the software appear very human like, with relatively normal word variation and sentence variation. This is not likely to produce high quality texts, but may make a difference in basic or certain key facts in a document. Text produced by artificial intelligence usually also uses perfect grammar and paragraphing. Since AI learns about the general idea to write about, it is able to make certain connections between words, modifying sentences to make it easier to understand. The problem with this technique is that it is likely not produced by a human. A well-written article by artificial intelligence also tends to be much clearer than articles written by humans themselves. Some people claim that they may be able to differentiate an article written by a human and one written by artificial intelligence, but many others believe they cannot tell at all.

Another contemporary way in which AI is proving its worth is through paraphrasing services. Natural language generation (NLG) and natural language processing (NLP) technology is helpful for many industries and the technology continues to advance every day thanks to artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence can also be used by firms to solve problems. These problems can include, but are not limited to, an economic problem such as the pricing of a product or a technological problem such as designing a piece of material. Programs basically translate these issues into pieces of data and machines then conduct researches based on this data. The outcomes of all these researches give solutions to the problems and they can be presented in various ways. Some of these ways may include displaying the solutions onto a screen or they may be in the form of text with charts and graphs to make the presentation more appealing.
In the 1950s, Alan Turing published a paper on the possibility of creating machines that think (‘Can machines think?’). He believed that one day, a machine could also have a consciousness, imagination and emotions.

Despite his beliefs, this was not achieved in his lifetime and the chemical concepts of the human brain could not be explained by scientists. Nonetheless, Turing believed that it would be possible to program a computer with such complex ideas. His theory was at the time invalidated because machines could not pass the Turing test, a test that checks if the user is a machine or not, today in the modern day these are called Captchas, and you have probably seen and done a few of them.
The most common example of AI is the IBM Deep Blue chess supercomputer, IBM had managed to design a supercomputer that was able to beat the best chess players in the world with the use of Artificial intelligence.

In order to reach this goal, IBM had been working on a team of specialists since the 1990s. The system, which had a total of 30 different processing systems in two towers, managed to win a couple of games against the best players in the world and managed to become one of the highest ranked chess players in the history of professional chess.
By the end of the 20th century, computers had reached a very high technological level and researchers began to explore all of its capabilities and conduct experiments on whether or not it could truly imitate human intelligence.

One breakthrough came in the early 21st century when researchers at Stanford University were able to create a computer program that could fool humans into thinking that they were communicating with someone else. This expert system imitated major characteristics of human intelligence: learning and becoming more efficient, forming its own opinions and using emotions. In order to design such a system, researchers used heuristics imitating Human psychological rules such as ‘if this resulting situation would be desirable for a human, change the situation in this way.

In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence is a huge branch of studying and potential applications, with the evolution of new more advanced programming languages and advanced algorithms. In the future, AI can revolutionize our lives in a multitude of ways, from self driving cars to outperforming teachers in the classroom.
We can learn to live with AI, just what has happened with computers, they have simply become a natural part of modern society.

Some notes about this article:
*All images were added by a human. No information was changed or edited. All opinions and information, while generated by AI, are my own. All content published complies with OpenAI’s sharing and publication policy.