Mexico, Opinions Worth Sharing

In plain view: an illegitimate election.

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Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

AMLO’s public policies have paved the way for Mexico to an illegitimate election. It seems senseless for the President to take this path that disqualifies the presidential election he wants to win no matter what.

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We have previously related the signs of this process led by AMLO to impose his candidate for the Presidency of the Republic.

  1. The campaign from the Mañanera to systematically disqualify the opposition.
  2. There is spending in torrents of illegal money for Sheinbaum’s campaign.
  3. Systematically buying polls.
  4. The illegal use of Servidores de la Nación to force beneficiaries of social programs to vote for Sheinbaum. The presence of the military is imposing itself.
  5. The systematic disqualification of the media that criticizes the government, when at the same time she has taken over the TV stations for her messages (Claudia uses the TV stations, Xóchitl uses the social networks: this is one of the great and modern electoral battlefields).
  6. And, finally, AMLO’s pact with drug trafficking as an ally in Morena’s territory to intimidate, whip, threaten, and kill opposition candidates at the same time that he nominates his own candidates to local and federal deputies and to the Senate of the Republic.
Photo:  Andrea Murcia / on

Today it is January 7. In three days, four opposition pre-candidates were assassinated by organized crime. This is the beginning of the year. These crimes confirm the effectiveness of the electoral strategy designed in the National Palace and transmitted through Morena’s party channels to the “relevant actors” so that they can act with total impunity. With this average of 4 assassinations in 8 days, what can we expect? 13 assassinations every month, from now until June? 65 assassinations or more, as a tribute to the AMLO-narco pact to win the elections?

Image”Especial on

Added to all this is the internal crisis of the constitutional bodies in charge of conducting the electoral process. The apparent lukewarmness of the presidents of INE and TEPJF to sanction the President and his permanent intervention in the electoral process, contravening the law or controlling Sheinbaum’s uncontrolled spending in her campaign, does not bode well for the credibility of the electoral results.

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Finally, it is worth asking, where is Sheinbaum? Because it is against her and her presumed victory that Mexican society will be charging when the time comes for her imposition as President, and when the lack of credibility and legitimacy of the electoral results makes evident the electoral fraud being committed in her favor.

Photo: Markus Winkler on Pexels

To win the elections, holding hands with drug traffickers and the military is to introduce Mexico into an era of ungovernability and chaos. It is to break the constitutional regime that governs us by consensus of the Mexican people. The only frame of reference that would make a government under these conditions viable and functional is the indiscriminate exercise of violence against the opposition and civil society.

Photo: Maxim Hopmanon Unsplash

This situation will make the permanence of Mexico in the CUSMA/USMCA/T-MEC unviable, as it is a country that destroys its own internal constitutional order, which is the foundation stone that allowed it to become a partner in this tripartite free trade agreement. The consequent economic turmoil that this would cause is unimaginable. In fact, Mexico’s participation and credibility in international organizations are based on the recognition of the stable and respectable constitutional order that has characterized our country.

Image: Fergregory on iStock

AMLO and Sheinbaum will be able to violently crush the protests that their electoral fraud would provoke throughout the country, imprisoning opponents and creating a civil-military regime, allied to drug trafficking. But they will never, absolutely never, be able to erase the havoc of the illegitimate route imposed on Mexico, destroying the constitutional order.

Image: Ligntspring on Shutterstock

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Further Reading: