Federico Reyes Heroles
With the Christmas spirit lurking, with the intention of gifting my readers with some suggestions of joy, I decided it would be irresponsible. Too much is at stake. It boils down to two words: freedoms threatened. Slow motion coup.

Two books assault me: John Lukacs’ Five Days in London, May 1940, a harrowing epistolary analysis of Churchill’s desperation with Hitler at his throat, and Roosevelt’s undefined. Fantastic as a book, terrible situation. More recently, Eight Days in May. From Hitler’s death to the end of the Third Reich, by Volker Ullrich, reminders that history is not always a constant flow, which there is, but also moments of condensation that twist the destiny of nations.

December 5. The opposition in Nuevo Leon “gives in”. The pressure on the family “factureras” (Fraudulent billing businesses) wins. Samuel Garcia returns. He cannot be the Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) candidate. The farce is over. Dante rejects dialogue with Gálvez. The “mega pharmacy” does not exist. Mexico and the US will follow up on the flow of money from drug traffickers. Only 20% of the population thinks that Morena will win easily. Taboada’s license is denied. December 6. PISA, the educational collapse. Possible agreement (negotiation) for appointment of Justice at the Supreme Court, Alcalde likely. National Institute for Transparency and Access to Information (INAI) and the Federal Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF) in the kitchen. Fentanyl seizure plummets by 59%. Division and snub in the TEPJF. New fares exist at the Mexico City airport (AICM), and airlines shake-up. The canceled project for Mexico City’s International Airport (NAIM) debt strangles revenues. December 7. Opposition bloc breaks up in the Senate. (MC) and Dante naked. AMLO takes advantage of judicial, electoral, and militarized National Guard (GN) reforms. MC is a collaborationist. Yellen at the Palace: Mexico produces fentanyl, and one hundred billion dollars enter the US for drugs. The National Palace protects itself from “blackouts”. The Senate once again rejected the shortlists for the INAI. Clearer? The National Statistics Institute’s (INEGI’) corruption perception index is terrible; nothing has changed.

December 8. A commotion at the Electoral Tribunal. They ask for its President’s resignation. The Tribunal is wobbling. It smells of a coup. The Court urges the Senate on appointments. Fire in the National Electoral Institute (INE). The President of INE does not achieve and does not seek consensus. She displaces the career staff—successive tract coup. With the nakedness of MC, the President announces reforms for February. But does he lack majorities? Pascal Beltrán del Río: the reforms are Sheinbaum’s campaign. Not a millimeter of margin to the doctor. Businessmen succeeded in getting the President to decide to fine-tune the reduction of the working week. Respite. Yellen achieves her goal: Mexico is committed to tracking funds. Let us not forget that CUSMA/USMCA/T-MEC is to be reviewed in 2025. López-Dóriga sheds light on the “disappearance of the disappeared”. Change methodologies in everything, adjust figures. Texcaltitlán, Justice by own hand, widespread desperation. The GN arrives, as always, late. The Familia Michoacana returns to avenge its own. Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) exposes corruption in the presidential family. Well forged chains with friends. Quintana Roo involved. Presidential rage. The Electoral Tribunal was set on fire. At the same time, four entities in the hands of Morena are budgetarily strangling their electoral bodies, and Mexico City (CDMX) will join them. It smells of a coup. December 12. Resignation of the President of the Electoral Tribunal. AMLO announces the end of the regulatory bodies. “They serve no purpose”, more concentration of power, ignores the CUSMA/USMCA/T-MEC. More than 100 vacancies (many jurisdictional) by the omission of the Senate 72 hours before the end of the ordinary period. Multiple and evident disregard, smells like a coup. Clandestine gas pipelines increased by 54%; there are around four thousand. Extortion rises 30% in four years. December 14. For the first time in recent history, the President appoints a Supreme Court Justice. Of course, the most ostentatiously close. That 90% loyalty thing, live. Godoy fails, Morena loses. Moody’s repeats, the money is not enough. Pemex is the company with the most losses in the world. December 18. AMLO distrusts the Tribunal.

The fraud announced being at the top. The movement is me.

Further Reading: