Ricardo Pascoe Pierce
Faced with the budget debacle resulting from financing pharaonic works that have turned into bottomless barrels, AMLO now wants to steal the life savings of millions of Mexicans to continue his feast of inefficiency, lack of accountability, and corruption.

He is building his Mayan Train and regional airports, besides AIFA and the Dos Bocas refinery, using the traditional method of Latin American right-wing dictatorships: at the point of the rifle and bayonet of the army. By designating the army as the legitimate and future owner of the works, he assigns public budgets to the uniformed forces that they would never have dreamed of having. Pinochet, Videla, Barrientos, and any other military gorilla from that distant wave of South American military governments would have fallen flat on their faces when they saw how easily their Mexican counterparts seized power, money, and business.

Using his party as a docile and brainless instrument, AMLO ordered the Chamber of Deputies to approve, regardless of the ruling on the Revenue Law, the authorization for the Ministry of Finance, headed by Rogelio Ramírez de la O, to freely expropriate all public and private pension funds in the country, in addition to the remaining Stabilisation Funds, in the event that “federal public spending so requires”. And, according to what was approved by the lower house, the government commits itself to return the confiscated funds to their rightful owners “when it has the budgetary conditions to do so”. In other words, never.

The pirate spirit of López Obrador’s government and his Morena party is Mexico’s worst news in recent history. The only chance to stop such a heist by the federal government of funds that are not its own lies in the Senate of the Republic. To be governed by subjects who act according to their lowest ambitions, without respect for the Constitution, trampling on the rule of law, and behaving like a military dictatorship has Mexico placed a moment away from falling to the precipice of authoritarianism.

In the time remaining to this government, it seems determined to radicalize to the extreme of breaking all the legal norms that establish the balance between powers and eliminate the necessary weighting of factors in the nation’s governance. The Morenista hyenas in the Legislative Branch have chosen to stop thinking and act by remote control in support of “whatever the President says”. The international community observes the deterioration of the national quality of life.

In all this, what are the 500 Cuban “doctors” who have arrived in Mexico at this time of aggravated national unrest doing? I don’t think they are in remote communities attending to those that Mexican doctors don’t want to help. Instead, they are experts in military and intelligence advice and in designing strategies so as not to cede power, ever again, to “social democracy, wrongly called the conservative right”. This is what Cuban intelligence advisors have done in several countries, such as Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Argentina. 500 “doctors” will not solve any problems in remote communities. On the other hand, five hundred intelligence experts can advise the government and the army in developing strategies for infiltration, subversion, and destruction of opposition. It is no accident that since the arrival of these 500 subjects, the government is doubling down on sectors of the PRI, launching an offensive to destroy the INE, and the Secretary of the Interior is being tele-directed to be the 4T’s biggest whacker, threatening state governments across the country. AMLO was already using polarization as his preferred political instrument; the Cubans will help take it to a level never seen before in Mexico.

This is the new strategy the President and his cabinet, the military, and Morenista legislators adopted. They are now behaving like pirates boarding the national ship to take all its wealth, even if, in the process, they sink it to the bottom of the sea.

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