Opinions Worth Sharing, SEPGRA

Manuel Suárez Mier’s Columns

Photo: Facebook

Manuel’s generosity with Sepgra began early in the short life of its existence. While reading one of his columns published in The Asia Times, it was not possible not to ask his permission to reproduce it here. His response was “by all means, not only this column but any other material already published that is suitable for your subscribers”. Then he began sharing his columns ahead of their publication in Spanish, and the same day for those in English for The Asia Times.

Then his generosity was shown again with his comments on the translations and illustrations. Wednesday was the day of the week for the publication of his weekly column; we will miss it as we already miss his virtual presence that illuminated the minds of our subscribers. Thank you, dear Manuel. Wherever you are in that luminous region reserved for the blessed, I hope you feel the gratitude and affection of many whom you left marked by your intelligence, wisdom, generosity, and true friendship. Until we meet again.

Here, Manuel’s columns published in Sepgra, in chronological order: