Opinions Worth Sharing

May a Hundred Flowers Bloom.

Photo: Mina Marie Michell on Pexels

Antonio Navalón

For a long time in China, there was an element of bewilderment that contaminated world communism. Mao Zedong, the great helmsman, the absolute leader of the Chinese revolution, decided that it was not only possible to criticize, but that it was desirable that “a hundred flowers should open and a hundred schools should compete.” In his memoirs, Nikita Khrushchev recounts that on two occasions, he drew the Chinese leader’s attention to how dangerous it was for countries with a communist and unique structure to produce, allow or nurture criticism, even if it was communist and carried out from within. The first time, Khrushchev was surprised because Mao only smiled. In the notes attributed to the former Soviet leader, it is said that the second time, just before saying goodbye, Chairman Mao told him: “Comrade, General Secretary, it is necessary to let a hundred schools fight to close them all, it is necessary to let a hundred flowers grow to pull them up by the roots.”

Photo: everydaylifeinmaoistchina.org

Seeing the moral implosion that is taking place at this moment within the ranks of the Mexican Government, within the party in power and its proximities, it gives the impression that -all instances saved- President López Obrador has also decided that one hundred schools, even if they are the product of corruption, fight and that one hundred flowers, even if they are lotus -and we must not forget that this flower grows in filth- appear and grow in what is the garden of the full endorsement and the flag of change of the 4T: moral regeneration.

Photo: David Bartus on Pexels

Although each State institution – or whatever is left of them – is in charge of purging responsibilities; of determining which are the truths, which are the lies, and which are the crimes, if any, committed by the protagonists; many questions need to be clarified. After what is being experienced, one can subtract that a war like the one that is being unleashed in the country – even if it is only journalistic or dialectical – in the background and after seeing how the main people in charge of executing the moral purification of the country are involved in a crossroad of possible crimes and irregularities, a war of this style can only attack the very essence of the movement that triumphed on July 1, 2018.

Photo: Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

It is known that absolute powers fall resoundingly. I am convinced that the President has his reasons to be doing what he is doing in contemplation of the phenomenon. I am also convinced that making truth and goodness triumph – no matter how well-intentioned – also requires efficiency, effectiveness, and above all seriousness when it comes to the application of laws. Perhaps, unwittingly and unintentionally, we are coming face to face with one of our most worrying and dangerous realities. Democracy is that wonderful system that allows that, at a given moment and in the face of a political offer, the people elect you to do what you have promised to do. But there is no democratic system that is based on the systematic non-compliance with the laws while these are constantly being changed or that is based on the adulteration of the constitutional spirits that governed the calling of elections. That system is called otherwise; that is called revolution. And naturally, as it is already known, revolutions are maintained by blood and fire or by words, by much talk, as – for example – in his time, President Hugo Chávez did through his propaganda program called “Aló Presidente” (Hello President).

Hugo Chávez en Aló Presidente Nº 351. 7 Feb 2010 – prensa bolivariana
Photo: prensabolivariana.org

The time has come to decide and distinguish not only between the good and the bad; between the dirty and the clean; between those who smell good and those who smell bad; the time has come to make the decision and determine which laws govern and regulate the daily life of this country. We need to decide which laws – contemplating those that are about to be approved and those that are currently in force – will be the ones that will determine the course of the country from here on. There are so many elements involved that a desperate society cannot be calmed down with declarations alone. Elements that affect the governability and governance of the country are involved, but also, because they also affect those who govern us, they force all the rest of us to look at them with great curiosity. It is not only a matter of seeing how they punish each other for a crime that, by the way, would have the aggravating factor of political treason, since, in the end, they reached those positions by confessing and acting as convicted and confessed elements of the belief of the 4T.

Photo: Mahdi Rezaei on Unsplash

But it is also at a time when – even for me – it is harmful to live in a country full of uncertainties and without a clear vision of the future. It is harmful to live in a country where we constantly have to ask ourselves where our feelings have gone; where are the femicides and their justice; and, a country where there are more and more problems of lèse humanité that we are committing against a large part of the people. However, there is a privileged part of society, which is helped – in a way that one may or may not agree with – but that is undeniable. It would seem that, in the face of all our misfortunes; in the face of the challenge of living without any security; without the non-compliance of laws; and, without elements of solidarity between the victims and us, we may indeed have a situation in which we depend both on a legal text and a moral body.

Photo: Library of Congress on Unsplash

Playing at disqualifying the morals of others has a big problem: sooner rather than later, someone will also judge yours. In this sense, I think it is essential to highlight politically a fundamental fact, which is that when a regime is so strong, has so many votes, so much power, so much representation, and a single voice, it has an obligation to be exemplary… especially with its own. In this sense, and even though in some cases those affected are directly responsible for initiating the investigation files that delimit the responsibilities of some and others, it is necessary to impose – I hope without having to resort to military justice – investigations that indeed clarify who did what. Or simply to explain that despite the scandalous headlines and despite the rumors, either nobody really did what is said, or it cannot be proved. And it is that still today, at the end of this year of God that was the year 2021, in our country, people are innocent until a judge proves otherwise.

Photo: Pattanaphong Khuankaew on iStock

“Happy Holidays. We shall meet again on the 3rd day of the new year”.

Photo: Galina N on Unsplash