
Imagen: smshoot en iStockGuerras, Polarización e incertidumbre reinan en el futuro inmediato.Ninguno de las pronósticos de principios de año* nos alertó de lo que hemos experimentado. La recesión ampliamente prevista no se produjo; la economía estadounidense crece con un...


Image: Darlene Alderson on PexelsJuan VilloroProstheses, corrective surgery, and the growing importance of self-perception in defining identity have motivated certain avant-gardists to enter posthuman territory. Trans-species experiences have disproved those who thought that transsexuality was the last physiological frontier.Photo:...


Photo: Felipe Parucker on PexelsJuan VilloroEspionage is inseparable from English literature. Daniel Defoe, Somerset Maugham, Graham Greene, and, of course, David Cornwell, better known as John Le Carré, were secret agents. The enigmas of loyalty and betrayal fascinate a...


Image on PinterestJuan VilloroHow tasty are we? Some people lack salt, and others stimulate all the senses. Love is whimsical.Photo: Moose Photos on PexelsNo one understood it better than Italo Calvino, whose centenary is celebrated these days. His most...


Juan VilloroI dreamt of being introduced to a guru I had been searching for years. Each visitor was granted a question; when it was my turn, I said, "Master, what is the purpose of reading?" With a smile, he...


Photo: Nishimura Comet, Peter Kennett on apod.nasa.govJuan VilloroFact: Passion weighs three kilos. I have the evidence provided by passion itself.Photo: Jonny Gios on UnsplashIn 1964, Spain played the final of the European Cup of Nations against the Soviet Union....


Image: ArtFamily on ShutterstockJuan VilloroThe only genre that is still handwritten is the medical prescription. Although it lacks literary value, it represents a work of authorship since it depends on the signature and the authority behind it. Among its...