Image: on visualcapitalist.comImage: on visualcapitalist.comU.S. InflationGraphs: on bls.govImage: on nytimes.comTo read the whole document, the controls for turning pages and zooming in or out are at the bottom left corner above.Image: on ourworldindata.orgFurther Reading:"I don't believe in the 'soft landing' story," said historian and author Niall Ferguson in a conversation with Andy Serwer at Barrons on Sept. 12, 2023. He discusses the risks to the West, U.S. politics, what happens if Trump...
Image: Arthouse Studio on PexelsRicardo Pascoe PierceThe contemporary world has become a highly dangerous place. The bipolar Cold War world of communism and capitalism, inaugurated after World War II in 1945, ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union...
Image: Theasis on iStockAntonio NavalónIn just 15 days, the world changed. When it seemed that the world could only be capable of sustaining or witnessing a single armed conflict at a time - referring to the war between Ukraine...
Photo: Randy Laybourne on UnsplashAntonio NavalónEvery 12 years, Mexican and U.S. presidential elections coincide. This year, at the same time and with the same institutional instability, Mexico will elect a President, and the United States will select who? In... dramatic shifts in geopolitical alignments, Mexico is poised to be a key player in the future economy of The West. Mexicans of all economic classes are likely to benefit from these new realities.Big thanks to the History of...
International Monetary Fund. Managing Expectations: Inflation and Monetary Policy.
Art: on imf.orgInflation around the world reached multidecade highs in 2022. While headline inflation has since come down, core measures are proving stickier. The high inflation experience of the last two years could engender persistently high inflation expectations, complicating...