The content criticizes widespread political and institutional corruption in Mexico, emphasizing the erosion of dignity and ethical standards in public life. It highlights recent legislative and judicial misconduct, portraying it as a betrayal of democratic principles. The author calls...
Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Annual Conference of the International Bar Association
Photo: on wikipedia.orgErnesto Zedillo Ponce de LeónThese words are written in light of Mexico's history and the progress achieved in terms of democracy and justice until a few years ago. I am aware that the president's reaction to those...
Palabras en la Sesión Inaugural de la Conferencia Anual de la International Bar Association.
Photo: on wikipedia.orgErnesto Zedillo Ponce de LeónEstas palabras están escritas a la luz de la historia de México y los avances logrados hasta hace unos años en materia de democracia y justicia. Estoy consciente de que la reacción del...
The movement against the judicial reform in Mexico demands its repeal to safeguard judicial independence, professional careers, and labor rights. With broad social support, it seeks to present a clear alternative rooted in Chief Justice Norma Piña’s proposal, highlighting...
The movement against judicial reform in Mexico is intensifying, emphasizing the need for its revocation. The National Association of Circuit Magistrates, District Judges, and the Mexican Association of Women Judges are at the forefront, advocating for judicial independence and...
The article compares the evolution of democracy in Latin America and Asia, contrasting the reactive nature of Latin American democratization during economic crises with the deliberate choice of democracy by economically successful Asian countries. It argues that strong, developmental...