
Photo: Sudip Shrestha on UnsplashRicardo Pascoe PierceOn September 30, 1938, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Neville Chamberlain, descended from his plane, arriving from Munich, Germany, and declared, "Here is peace for our time". He showed a document bearing...


Image: Dizain on ShutterstockLuis RubioThe advent of populist currents, left and right, has been accompanied by the rejection of so-called globalization and a systemic summons for the reappearance of an all-powerful government, aiming to correct the ills afflicting humanity....


Photo: Photomaster on ShutterstockFederico Reyes HerolesIt is not true; it is false that if you do not work, then you cannot have a good standard of living. That is the discourse of the past. Here, the government, the Mexican...


Image: on laoctava.comRicardo Pascoe PierceOn February 7, 2010, President Hugo Chávez was walking through the historic center of Caracas and noticed a building of a certain elegance. He asked what it was: a building with private jewelry stores. Chávez...


Para leer todo el documento, los controles para pasar páginas y acercar o alejar la imagen se encuentran en la esquina inferior izquierdaFuente: welligence.com la versión en inglés, el análisis es un poco más completo:Para leer todo el documento,...