
Image: on razó Pascoe PierceFinding parallels between leaders because they prioritize their personal-political interests over the national interest always gives clues about the levels of violence in their countries. They face challenges of rampant violence when they lead their...


Image: Wildpixel on iStockRicardo Pascoe PierceRussia, Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Niger, Chad, Congo, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Nicaragua, El Salvador and… Mexico. These countries have two phenomena in common.Photo: -Oleana-Lialina-on-iStockFirst, they are nations (if they can be...

how-mexico-will-save-the-west dramatic shifts in geopolitical alignments, Mexico is poised to be a key player in the future economy of The West. Mexicans of all economic classes are likely to benefit from these new realities.Big thanks to the History of...


Photo: Picography on PexelsAntonio NavalónFrom the origins of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" to the present day, it has always been known that wars are fought between people and people - regardless of their ethnic, religious, social, or...