Small Business Owner Report 2022
To read the whole document, the controls for turning pages and zooming in or out are at the bottom left corner above. Inflation and supply chain issues are impacting the majority of U.S. small business owners, operational challenges include price...
Photo: Stas_V on iStockThe Poverty rate in the United States from 1990 to 2020Image: StatistaPublished by Statista Research Department, Sep 21, 2021. In 2020, around 11.4 percent of the population was living below the national poverty line in the United States.Poverty in...
Image: Zeferli on iStockRicardo Pascoe PierceThe President of Mexico is organizing a fratricidal war against Biden, aligning himself with Trump and Putin. He seems to be driven by the conviction that the central commitment of his government is to...
Photo: Snehal Krishna on UnsplashRicardo Pascoe PiercePresident López Obrador is famous in the international community for his flowery use of what is known as "double-talk". That is, in the same speech, he announces two different international policies contradictory to...
Image: ShutterstockAntonio NavalónNot since 1940 had the world experienced a situation as paradoxical as the one we are currently experiencing. In that year, Germany - which had already invaded Poland and had triggered the beginning of World War II... Richard H. Black(ret.)Full transcript of the interview: