Ricardo Pascoe Pierce
President López Obrador has consistently carved out his legacy. He attacks, defames, harasses, and insults. He behaves not as a president but as a neighborhood vandal. He has educated a generation of his followers by teaching them that this is the best method of exercising power and retaining it.

The Morenista idea of governance is never to dialogue with the opposition, recognize its representativeness, or agree on important legislative measures. For AMLO, the only valid thing is what he managed to impose by force on the rest of society.

His conviction is that there is only one possible and legitimate way of thinking for Mexico: his own. This is the dogmatism that kills societies and plunges them into intolerance and violence.

The war in the Middle East is precisely the product of the same dogmatic and fanatical thinking. The ultimate origin of this conflict comes from the fact that each religion believes that the only possible Truth is its own and that the only true God is the one it proclaims. Based on this extremism and fanaticism, each religion assumes that it has the license to kill anyone who does not share its point of view. Jews, Muslims, and Christians are convinced that the only true Word and holy book is theirs. They will never convince each other, and the only way to resolve their conflicts is tolerance and respect for the thoughts of others—something so simple but complex to achieve simultaneously. Without tolerance, they will end up killing each other.

Right now, we hear the fundamentalist Christian sector in the United States claiming that they can never deny what the Scriptures say in their Bible, which states that the Jews killed Jesus and crucified him. Amid the war in the Middle East, American Christians enter the debate to defend their positions on the death of their guide and warn that there will be no mercy for their “murderers”. Whew!

That same method of fanatical and exclusionary thinking is promoted in Mexico by Lopez Obrador. When one hears him speak of what he calls “neoliberalism”, one senses that he is not simply referring to a different economic model. No. He envisions himself as a shepherd who claims to lead the people on a path away from hell itself and the diabolical temptations of evil, perversity, and wrong thinking that will lead humanity to its destruction. He leads his “people” to flee from Sodom and Gomorrah. He flees from the Greatest Sin: greed, gluttony, and envy.

According to AMLO, all this is the product of an ancestral plague called “neoliberalism”. He considers himself the founder of a new church called the Fourth Transformation, which comes to impose its thinking on earth, to convert the unbelievers, and to destroy those who resist recognizing the Truth.

He leaves no choice: either you join his thinking, or he destroys you. The matter is biblical because he thinks in Christian terms. That is why he assumes his role as ruler-pastor and demands the complete submission of his followers to his postulates. And, incredibly, his followers believe him and do his will. They vote for his legislative measures without changing a single comma. Officials violate the law when he orders them to do so, soldiers are passive robots “doing their duty” while his ideologues justify all his sayings, especially when they have no basis in reality.

He will continue fanatizing his sayings and actions as long as society does not stop him. The destruction of the social fabric and the demoralization of society are becoming his greatest achievements as a ruler.

He will continue destroying everything he can until Mexican society realizes that it is governed by a man with a black soul devoid of any empathy. Everything he touches fades and dies. Everything he says rots the relationships between human beings and institutions. Everything he pretends to do harms others, destroying them, if possible. He wants to turn Mexico into something it is not: the church of intolerance, fanaticism, and persecution. His cronies second him.

To stop the wave of the black soul is the firm intention of millions of Mexicans on June 2. As an intermediate stop, we will gather in the main squares all over the country next May 19 to strengthen the mood in favor of change for tolerance, freedom, and peace. And for uprooting the black soul that pretends to sadden an entire nation.

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Further Reading: