Mexico, Opinions Worth Sharing

The President is Irresponsible and Guilty

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Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

Verbal violence by political leaders inevitably leads to physical (even lethal) violence between each other’s supporters. This is what is happening in Mexico. The great promoter of violence is the President of the Republic. His conduct is irresponsible and unacceptable.

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An immediate example is the campaign he has launched against the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Norma Piña. First, he discourteously ignored her in civic events. Then he accused her of being part of a campaign against his government, claiming that she supported “conservative” positions in the determinations of several cases before the Court. Continuing with his campaign against the SCJN, he launched his supporters to intimidate Chief Justice Piña and her family.

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Threats and intimidations that start from the President’s mouth and activate fanatics reminiscent of Hitler’s supporters attacking Jewish citizens in Germany before World War II, paving the way for the Holocaust. It seems to be absolutely pertinent to jump from current Mexican affairs and compare it to Hitler’s Germany because AMLO is employing the same tactics Hitler used in his time.

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The strategy is essentially to eternalize himself in power through intimidation, verbal violence, and then physical violence. That is what Hitler did and what López Obrador intends to do. Is it an exaggeration to say this?

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Mexico is a country that lives in a situation of chaos and lack of control, with violence as its main characteristic. Violence in its various manifestations is rampant throughout the Republic. Intentional homicides have exceeded the worst possible forecasts: this is the six-year period of more killings and massacres, of more groups of armed citizens because the government does not protect them, of more growth in the profits of the drug trafficking business due to the effect of the chemical evolution of the business itself from natural drugs to synthetic drugs. Drug trafficking has grown exponentially during this six-year term. The Armed Forces also play a role of “passive containment” to organized crime in general. In other words, it intends to limit its activities without entering into a confrontational dynamic to stop the business altogether. This policy favors the consolidation of organized crime in a large part of the national territory.

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This attitude of government passivity encourages violence against the free press and journalists. The President constantly attacks the free press and denigrates the role of critical journalism. He does not accept anything but journalism subordinated to his agenda. This presidential attitude has legitimized the attacks and even the murders of journalists throughout the country. Mexican journalism is bathed in blood and a situation of permanent mourning, also touched by alarming impunity. The attack on journalism seems to have the implicit support of the authorities, considering that the President continues his verbal campaign against critical journalism.

Photos: on Twitter

The painful phenomenon of the disappeared is another expression of violence, impunity, and possible complicity of the authorities. The family searchers, primarily women, symbolize the most profound suffering of the Mexican people. The disappearance, especially of daughters, although there are also missing men, is linked to networks of human trafficking, prostitution, and, grotesquely, organ trafficking. Now crime attacks young people and relatives searching for their children. Searching mothers have been murdered for simply insisting on finding the truth about the disappearance of their loved ones. Many of the clues indicate complicity between criminals and authorities.

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Migrants and the massification of violence are other characteristics of contemporary Mexico. Systemic violence accompanies migrants trying to cross the national territory from south to north. And as the arson and death of detained migrants in a Ministry of the Interior station in Ciudad Juarez demonstrated, violence against undocumented migrants in Mexico is a double match between criminal elements and authorities.

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In all of this, the President is responsible as an authority since his conduct is absolutely irresponsible. He deliberately incites violence in Mexico, thinking, like Hitler, that this generalized polarization is his safest way to remain in power beyond the six-year term of office.

Photo: Ravi Kant on Pexels

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