Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
The first and the second economic powers in the world, competing for the first place on many fronts, this is one of them:
U.S. and China Global Exports and Imports 2019
(in Millions of U.S. Dollars)
U.S. Balance on Goods and Services -576 865
China Balance on Goods and Services +164,122
China: Exports 2,399,017.8
Imports 1,973,746.8 Surplus: 425,271
U.S. : Exports 1,652,437.0
Imports 2,516,769.0 Deficit: 864,332
China: Exports 244.359.2
Imports 505,508.2 Deficit 261,149
U.S. Exports 875,830.0
Imports 588,363.0 Surplus 287,467
Source IMF https://data.imf.org/?sk=7A51304B-6426-40C0-83DD-CA473CA1FD52
For more information comparing the economies of both countries, we suggest to follow this link: https://countryeconomy.com/countries/compare/china/usa