Global Issues, Special Reports

UBS Global Wealth Report 2023

The global economy is experiencing a period of astonishing economic alteration. The sweeping changes of the fourth industrial revolution represent the most dramatic structural upheaval in two hundred and fifty years. Revolutions, it turns out, are revolutionary – social as well as economic relationships will be challenged by this process.

At the same time, the economic needs of humanity have evolved from the crude pursuit of material possessions represented by output economics. Society today has advanced to impact economics, adding broader demands for a sustainable and more equitable future to our traditional
material demands.

Properly mobilizing private wealth is critical in this period of change. Whether as a source of investment or philanthropy, private wealth will shape the opportunities that are presented by technological change. Private wealth will lead to the funding needed to create diverse, sustainable societies.

To mobilize global private wealth, we must first understand where that wealth is, how it is created, and what policies might risk its destruction. The insights shared in this report help us to deepen this understanding. Wealth needs to work for a better future, and the Global Wealth Report represents the starting point in analyzing how that can happen.


Further Reading: