Mexico, Opinions Worth Sharing

Useless Bottlecaps (Corcholatas)

Photo: Cottonbro studio on Pexels

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

If AMLO learned anything from his most recent “medical absence”, it is that his candidates to succeed him (Corcholatas) enjoy neither widespread sympathy nor legitimacy. None of the three succeeded in projecting themselves as national leaders with a credible voice. Adán tried to project his voice as a substitute for the President and showed his pettiness and the insignificance of his ideas. Marcelo tried to make a name for himself but was notoriously unsuccessful, and Claudia simply melted into silence.

Image: Silvestra on iStock

Alarmed evidently, the President wanted to make a show of strength to cover up the debacle of his corcholatas. He summoned Morenista senators, humiliated and demeaned Monreal, and demanded that they vote for everything he asked them to do on that “black night”. He also announced that the succession game would be brought forward several months to define his presidential candidacy in July or August. The latter, only if the political times tolerate the situation without instability.

Photo: on Twitter

In addition, wrapped up in his frenzy, the President also explained the methods he would use to lead, guide, and control everything his candidates say, propose, and do, especially in the case of Morena’s presidential candidacy. In fact, he made it clear that he would simultaneously be the campaign coordinator, President of the Republic, and, perhaps most importantly, the dark shadow behind that presidential candidacy, as the sinister presence of the Mafia bosses.

Photo: Cyano66-on-iStock

He defined his candidate’s agenda, leaving no doubt about who was in charge of the process. First, it will demand the voters to give him not only the majority of seats in Congress. It will demand that “an avalanche of votes” give an absolute majority in Congress. He wants to recover two-thirds of deputies and senators. This demand ignores that in the mid-term elections of 2021, Morena significantly decreased the seats it holds, having just lost the qualified majority.

Photo: Element Digital on Pexels

The second item on the agenda is that the still President of the Republic will submit to the new Congress that will be inaugurated as of September 1, 2024, constitutional reform initiatives to be voted on before his last day in office, September 30 of next year. One reform will propose integrating the National Guard into the National Army. The other reform will seek to elect the Ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation by popular vote. With this act, AMLO intends to make the country see him as the historic leader of Mexico, far above any other personage who may temporarily bear the title of President.

Photo: Avesun on iStock

Along with the above, AMLO will make his candidates commit to eliminating all autonomous bodies and trusts in the country, effectively hindering the possibility of reviewing the government’s public accounts of its expenditures and pretending to eliminate all vestige of accountability to the people of Mexico.

Image: photobank kiev on iStock

AMLO’s electoral plan clarifies that Morena’s candidates will do what he says. And they will do so because the Morena legislators, without exception, have shown the worst face of submission to the brainless who govern the country at this moment in history.

Image: Stevee Maren on Twitter

And in all this, what is the role of the corcholatas? To be equally submissive as the legislators, although more so because they are supposed to want to govern the country. But they know the hidden truth: AMLO intends to continue ruling but is hidden in the shadows.

Photo: Itakayuki-on-iStock-

The corcholatas will never be more than that: useless corcholatas, opened or scorned.

Photo: Lance Reis on Unsplash

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