Welcome to SEPGRA

This is SEPGRA, a specialized service for people who need expert knowledge of relevant information, curated timely, suitably organized, fact-checked, and analyzed, to nourish the strategic thinking of decision-makers and their advisors.

It is a great time to launch a specialized media site for the new normal. To begin with, after months of physical distancing all over the world, the global citizen has experienced, one way or the other, a virtual community where everybody is sharing his life with others virtually. The business community has learned that meetings don’t have to be in person; many others have learned to work out of the, until recently, typical work environment.

   In the last decades, we have enjoyed expressing our opinions and advice on the economy, the markets, and political scenarios based on the observation of events and combining it with data from reliable sources, not always easily accessible to the public at large. Happily, our friends and acquaintances have profited from our opinions and advice for free. The time has come to expand the reach of our audience, and to share in the benefits.

This site provides subscribers with quality information and analysis that allows them to navigate, efficiently, and effectively, in the ocean of information that floods our lives. It differentiates what is relevant to know and also what could just be ignored, making a difference with the mainstream news media, in that we don’t have to be informed all the time about absolutely everything, but only what is important to us.

   We place an attention emphasis on the countries that compose North America: Canada, the United States, and México and its complex relation. These countries share more than a region of the planet; many sectors of their economies have integrated, and their inter-trade makes them mutually, its most important economic partners.

Together they account for one of the largest economic regions in the world, with a combined GDP representing 28% of the world’s economy, with only 6% of its population and 16 percent of the world’s land territory. Also, it is where our expertise is more robust, and where our subscriber base mostly focuses its interests and priorities.

These three nations have their own culture, ethnic compositions, currencies, languages, histories, forms of government, religions, legal systems, and climates. There are disparities between them, like the level of education which impacts as a consequence, perhaps the most important: the income levels of their populations and their welfare. Two of them have a fully developed economy; one is emerging, four official languages, several indigenous dialects.  Two of them declared their independence centuries ago; one severed its colonial ties less than four decades ago while staying part of a Commonwealth realm, as a federal parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy.

  We hope that this new approach will bring us, both subscribers and publishers, a new insight into this region that will become more integrated in every way for the years to come, and that as we learn more about it, we enjoy finding more avenues of opportunity for new ventures and a feeling of fulfillment for using our time in the most efficient, rewarding, and productive way possible.

     There are two levels of subscription, one with no cost with access to elementary information, then another that for a nominal fee grants access to our refined contents, including macro prognosis and more comprehensive analysis.   

    Additionally, SEPGRA offers the services of its affiliated consulting arms for specialized research and analysis of specific sectors of the economy, or regions, or technology trends, as well as perspectives and forecasts of political outcomes, alerting clients on emerging risks and opportunities.

  Let’s hope that this ride will bring us, both subscribers and publishers, a joyful experience, full of learning, wonder, and above all, a feeling of fulfillment for using our time in the most efficient, rewarding, and productive way possible. 





