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Photo: James Keivom on nypost.com Luis Rubio Jack-of-all-trades (Milusos in Spanish) is one of the most accurate and audacious, at the same time, characterizations of the Mexican who can do nothing other than work for a living. Héctor Suárez, an actor, popularized the term in his film of the same name, a drama and simultaneously a […]

Luis Maizel’s Monthly Letter: Could there be a Xóchitl miracle in Mexico?

When you read this letter, we will be exactly one month away from the presidential elections. After the second debate, in which Xóchitl looked much better than in the first one, I feel that the scales have evened out a little bit, although Claudia is still ahead. There are two possibilities for Xóchitl to win. […]

Informe de la Comisión Independiente de la Investigación sobre la Pandemia de Covid-19 en México.

Jaime Sepúlveda (Coordinador) Para leer todo el documento, los controles para pasar páginas y acercar o alejar la imagen se encuentran en la esquina inferior izquierda. O bien léalo directamente en su sitio haciendo click en el siguiente vínculo: https://www.comisioncovid.mx Lecturas y Videos Complementarios:

Confessions at The Little Mermaid

Federico Reyes Heroles …Mask the face and mask the smile. Octavio Paz He told me in a tone that he couldn’t take “no” for an answer. He knows it. Just a pancake was the final blow. Here we go, to La Sirenita (The Little Mermaid), that’s what my companion – 80 cm tall – calls […]