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Eleven rules for life (Genius Rules)

Naval Ravikant

THE ANTI-NEWSLETTER I’m creating the “Anti-Newsletter” — A Publication with only timeless information (the opposite of news). Why? The “Lindy Effect” states that the longer an idea has been around, the longer it will still be around. Thus the older the idea, the more objective/true it actually is! What’s it about? Every Friday I pick and send a (5 min) nugget from an influential doer/practitioner (in his own words) who have took the time to share timeless principles (through books / interviews) on how to get better (Character), how to get richer (Wealth) and how to improve your judgment (General Wisdom). Plus, I craft a visual to make the nugget more clear and memorable! And sometimes I deliver a personal reflection afterwards. As a bonus, I share the most insightful content I found over the week (tweets, articles, videos…). If you would like to get all this every Friday, sign up here for free – “It’s kind of fun to sit there and outthink people who are way smarter than you are because you’ve trained yourself to be more objective and more multidisciplinary. Furthermore, there is a lot of money in it, as I can testify from my own personal experience.” – Charlie Munger (from his book Poor Charlie’s Almanack)

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