
Photo: Barnabas Davoti on UnsplashJuan VilloroAfter years of writing, the master of paradoxes, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, made a curious statement: “The human race, to which most of my readers belong...”. He thus suggested that his texts were also available...


Screenshot: Image on amazon.comJuan VilloroAfter six years in power, López Obrador can be seen as a magnificent proselytizer and a failed statesman. He founded a party that, in a few years, won the majority of the country, won the...


Photo: Gregorio Borgia/Associated Press on deseret.comJuan VilloroUmberto Eco said Pope John Paul II represented "the Middle Ages plus television". In 2024, the helmsman of St. Peter's boat has modernized enough to represent the Middle Ages plus the Internet.Image: on...


Photo: Ryan Graybill on UnsplashJuan VilloroCristina Rivera Garza has become the first Mexican voice to receive the Pulitzer Prize in the memoir or autobiography category. The award, founded in 1917, waited more than a century for this to happen.Photo:...


Image: AI-generated using ShutterstockJuan VilloroIn the ultimate fulfillment of her tireless work, Victoria Prego died on Labor Day. At 75, the Spanish journalist had worked as a correspondent in London, on numerous television forums, and as assistant director of...


Photo: Cottonbro Studio on PexelsJuan VilloroMy generation learned more things in the street than in school. Knowledge was transmitted in the neighborhood convenience store, where we shared refreshments after playing "coladeritas." For us, that modest space served the function...


Image: Lemon_tm on iStockJuan VilloroIn 2016, during the campaign for the US presidency, I recalled in this space a novel that anticipated Donald Trump's triumph: It Can't Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis, published in 1935, while Mussolini was invading...