Image: Feaspb on ShutterstockRicardo Pascoe PiercePresident López Obrador's recent visit to the port of Acapulco after the disastrous impact of Hurricane "Otis" made it clear that he does not want to tarnish his shoes with the mud of the...
Photo: on NavalónThe middle class cast approximately half the thirty million votes in 2018. The upper middle class and the upper class, those with an instinct for self-preservation and a certain ethical sense, were disgusted to live in...
Photo: Catalin Pop on UnsplashRicardo Pascoe PierceWhile Milei arrived as a political outsider, Sheinbaum is the product of secret political agreements. While Milei is considered far right, the current Sheinbaum represents far left. And yet, listening to them speak...
Image: Francescoch on iStockLuis RubioAccording to Simon Kuznets, the world has four types of countries: developed, underdeveloped, Japan, and Argentina. Argentina has been defying gravity for decades, in fact, almost a century. With small moments of euphoria, its economy...
Image and data: on visualcapitalist.comPolarization around the world is increasingly present, in some cases even concerning. Politics in some countries are moved by protesting angry citizens fed up with the incompetence of their leaders. Extremists have a fertile ground...
Image on PinterestJuan VilloroHow tasty are we? Some people lack salt, and others stimulate all the senses. Love is whimsical.Photo: Moose Photos on PexelsNo one understood it better than Italo Calvino, whose centenary is celebrated these days. His most...